Child Health
For babies and children up to the age of 5 years. Nurse Henderson and Dr Boothroyd hold an Immunisations clinic on a Thursday afternoon. Please contact the surgery to book an appointment. The Health Visitor has open access on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday morning of every month at the Friary Clinic. Please contact the Clinic on 01748 8221322 for details and times.
Community Midwife
The midwife provides shared midwifery care with GP hospital consultants. Midwife Clinics – Tuesday am + Thursday pm.
Crisis Support – Richmond
Disabled Patients
We feel that the architecture of the surgery lends itself for safe and suitable access for all disabled patients, and there are adequate toilet facilities.
Fees for non NHS work – the fees we charge for non NHS work (e.g. Private Medical Certificates, Insurance Reports, HGV Examinations etc) are those recommended by the British Medical Association. Please ask the receptionists for further details. Receipts are provided upon request.
Friarage Hospital
The Urgent Treatment Centre at The Friarage Hospital, Northallerton is open 7 days a week for 24 hours a day.
It is a Walk In centre which is clearly signposted and is held in the main hospital building.
- strains and sprains
- suspected broken limbs
- minor head injuries
- cuts and grazes
- bites and stings
- minor scalds and burns
- skin infections and rashes
- eye problems
- coughs and colds
- feverish illness
- abdominal pain
- vomiting and diarrhoea
It also treats children with minor illnesses such as fever, rashes and earache
The Urgent Treatment Centre is NOT able to treat life-threatening injuries or illnesses such as:
- severe chest pains
- unconsciousness
- severe breathing difficulties
- uncontrollable bleeding
For these, dial 999 immediately
Friends and Family Test
Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service (PTS)
Requests for transport to and from outpatient appointments can now only be booked up to three working days prior to the scheduled appointment.
Journeys for renal and oncology patients, and on-day discharges can continue to be booked at any time and all journeys can be booked by patients.
The change to booking journeys for outpatient appointments allows us to:
• More effectively manage the volume of bookings in line with the PTS resources available.
• Support our A&E ambulance colleagues, who are experiencing significant reduction in available capacity, by providing transport to suitably triaged 999 patients who do not need a paramedic on their journey.
• Ensure we have the flexibility to support the rapid discharge of medically fit patients and contribute to efficient hospital flow.
As well as managing capacity, this change will support our efforts to reduce the spread of the virus. By ensuring that the patient’s symptoms and test history are as up to date as possible prior to the journey, we can more accurately assess the infection risk of those travelling with us. Crews will check this information by continuing to make on-day calls before collecting the patient.
Communication and escalation networks have been established with NHS Acute Trusts across the region to ensure that patients who have the most important outpatient appointments will be prioritised should our capacity to transport all patients be exceeded. This arrangement will continue to be utilised if the need arises.
Patients are asked to make their own way to hospital if they are able to do so. This will help us to ensure that transport is available for those who need it most – often these are patients who are most vulnerable and with the highest heath and mobility needs. Due to the extensive human-to-human transmission of the virus, the safest and most efficient way for patients to reach their appointments is to drive themselves or travel
with a member of their household, a friend or a family member (in line with government guidance).
For eligible patients who require our services, we continue to take steps to ensure that our Patient Transport Service is able to convey patients as safely as possible. We support social distancing measures by seating patients away from crews and from each other, asking patients to wear protective face masks and transporting only one patient in a vehicle at a time.
To make a booking within three working days of a scheduled appointment, call 0300 330 2000. The PTS reservations team is available Monday to Friday between 7:00am and 7:00pm, and weekends from 8:00am to 6:00pm.
Patient Participation Group (PPG)
The Patient Participation Group – Minutes of Meetings
Download PPG Minutes – 27.06.19
Download PPG Minutes – 24.01.19
The Patient Participation Group
The following information was taken into consideration when selecting the Group:
• Age
• Sex
• Ethnic Origin
We selected one male and one female patient out of each age group. Within the group we identified:
• A carer
• A student
• A patient living outside of Richmond
• A youth worker
We believe that the group of patients selected, formed a cross section of the practice population which is as representative as possible.
Downloadable Reports
Patient Registration
To register as a patient, please call at reception where you will be asked to complete a New Patient Registration Form. All patients have the right to express a preference of practitioner either generally or in relation to any particular condition. We will endeavour to comply with any reasonable preference expressed but need not do so if the preferred Doctor has reasonable grounds for refusing to provide services to the patient, or does not routinely perform the service in question within the practice.
Patient Responsibilities
The Rights and Responsibilities of the patient, including keeping appointments
As a patient you are expected to provide complete and accurate information about your health including present condition, past illnesses, hospitalisations, medications, natural products and vitamins, and any other matters that pertain to your health. Provide complete and accurate information including your full name, address, home telephone number, date of birth. Ask questions when you do not understand what your doctor or nurse tells you about your diagnosis or treatment. Inform your doctor if you are considering alternative therapies.
The practice supports the Government’s NHS zero tolerance zone campaign. Violence and abuse is a growing concern. GPs and their staff have the right to care for others without fear of being attacked or abused. Violent patients will be reported to the police and struck-off the GP’s list. We ask that you treat your GP and practice staff properly – without violence or abuse.
Patient Privacy
Privacy and confidentiality of your medical records
Your medical records are a history of your consultations, illness, investigations, prescriptions and other treatments. The doctor-patient relationship sits at the heart of good general practice and is based on mutual trust and confidence. At Quakers Lane Surgery we store most of our patients’ medical records on our practice computer system.
Patient Information Guidelines
How the NHS and care services use your information
System one
Your electronic health record: A patient Guide
Information for new patients: about your Summary Care Record
Record Sharing – A Patient Guide
How can I find out whats in my medical records?
We are required by law to allow you access to your computer and written medical records. If you wish to see your records, please contact our Practice Manager for further advice. All requests to view medical records must be made in writing to the surgery. We are allowed to charge a small fee to cover our administration and costs.
You can contact Jill Woodcock, the Practice Manager by calling the surgery on 01748 850440.
Practice Complaints Procedure
Practice Round Up
Privacy Notice
Publication of Earnings
Publication of Earnings
NHS England require that the net earnings of doctors engaged in the practice is publicised, and the required disclosure is shown below. However it should be noted that the prescribed method for calculating earnings is potentially misleading because it takes no account of how much time doctors spend working in the practice, and should not be used to form any judgement about GP earnings, nor to make any comparison with any other practice.
The average pay for GPs working in QUAKERS LANE SURGERY in the last financial year was £75532 before tax and National Insurance. This is for 0 full time GPs, 5 part time GPs and locum GPs who worked in the practice for more than 6 months
Sick Notes
You do not require a sick note for the first 7 days of illness, and we cannot provide a sick note free of charge for that time.
You can sign yourself off during that period using a self certification form obtainable from your employer.
If you require a sick note for a more extended period of illness, you will need to make an appointment to see a doctor.
Please note that if you require an extension of a sick note or you wish to return to work early and have already seen a Doctor about a given issue, then you can leave a message for the Doctor by contacting the reception staff and this can be sorted out over the telephone without the need for a further appointment.
Telephone Information
The telephone is very busy between 8.30-10.30am. These times should, where possible, only be used for requesting home visits and urgent surgery appointments. Please avoid these times when telephoning for routine appointments and laboratory results.
You can contact the Health Visitor and District Nurse at the Friary Clinic on Richmond 822122.
If you should require information regarding appliances, blue disability badges, meals on wheels or home help, please telephone the Social Services Customer Unit at Northallerton 01609 779999.
Young Persons Information
Compass BUZZ is an innovative project which strengthens the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people aged 5-18 (25 with SEND) across North Yorkshire. The project works with schools and other key partners to increase the skills, confidence and competence of staff dealing with emotional and mental health concerns.
Healthy Child
(5-19) help for psychological issues 01609 780780
(Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) 01609 718810 Crisis 0300 0132000 option 6
Sexual health
Yorsexual Health (infections, contraception) 01904 721111
Unwanted pregnancy